mla format examples of mla works cited studyguide studyguide provides up to date resources for mla format with examples advice & tips for academic students mla style works cited entries wel e roane state about the owl the rscc owl was born june 5 1995 it s among the oldest and wisest owls mla citation examples umuc library what you are citing in text citation the entire work or a work that has no page numbers include information in the text of your paper that will allow the reader to locate the source in your works cited list mla citation guides research guides at fairfield author the term author is defined as the person or group primarily responsible for producing the work or the aspect of the work that is being cited how to write a bibliography examples in mla style a a bibliography by definition is a detailed listing of the books journals magazines or online sources that an author has used in researching and writing their work
mla format works cited page Google Search from examples of work cited pages , image source: