profit and loss statement beginner bookkeeping a profit and loss statement provides information on how the business is doing is it making a loss or is it making a profit the information for this report is taken from the business bookkeeping records from a period of time such as one month or a year six months or one week profit and loss template free monthly & annual p&l free profit and loss template p&l template to create your own in e statement with monthly and annual versions in the excel file provided this p&l template summarizes a pany in e and expenses for a period of time to arrive at its net earnings for the period what is a profit and loss statement definition and meaning an official quarterly or annual financial document published by a public pany showing earnings expenses and net profit net in e is determined from this financial report by subtracting total expenses from total revenue the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet are the two major profit and loss statement guide to understanding a a profit and loss statement p&l is a financial report that provides a summary of a pany s revenues expenses and profits losses over a period of time how to prepare a profit and loss in e statement digital library acquiring and managing finances financial statements"how to prepare a profit and loss in e statement" a profit and loss p & l or in e statement measures a pany s sales and expenses over a specified period of time
Financial Results The Colonial Williamsburg ficial from annual profit and loss statement , image source: