bill of sale form printable car & vehicle bill of sale a bill of sale is a type of receipt used to transfer the ownership of an item it typically includes important information about the purchase such as the names of the er and seller contact information item description item price payment methods and warranty details dmv vehicle bill of sale oregon vehicle bill of sale 735 501 6 17 department of transportation driver and motor vehicle services 1905 lana ave ne salem oregon dmv vehicle description atv bill sale template business form template atv bill of sale the atv described below is hereby sold and transferred from the named seller to the named er the seller is the legal owner of the vehicle which is free of liens and other encumbrances conditional bill sale business form template conditional bill of sale the item described below is hereby sold and transferred from the named seller to the named er the seller is the legal owner of the item and transfers this item to the er under certain conditions that are listed below bill of sale a bill of sale is a document that transfers ownership of goods from one person to another it is used in situations where the former owner transfers possession of the goods to a new owner
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