select map select a map you want to paint please choose the map to create world scale nation scale de virga world map the de virga world map was made by albertinus de virga between 1411 and 1415 the map contains a mention in small letters "a 141 albertin diuirga me fecit in vinexia" world map shroud of the avatar shroud of tha avatar s map is an interactive map website the goal of this website is to provide useful maps and allow people to create and share their own maps or markers a map of the world film a map of the world is a drama released in the year 1999 based on the novel of the same name by jane hamilton it was directed by scott elliott the movie stars sigourney weaver julianne moore and david strathairn opencyclemap the openstreetmap cycle map jump to your current view of the map permalink edit openstreetmap data here
7 Alternative maps to turn your world upside down from edit map of the world , image source: