child s emergency contact form the issue with most emergency contact forms is that there isn t enough room for both parents contact information including home addresses phone numbers and work information that s why the child s emergency contact form available here includes child care emergency contact information child’s usual source of medical care physician’s name phone address hospital to take child in case of an emergency emergency contact form save the children emergency or disaster i also grant permission for my child to be released to any of the emergency i also grant permission for my child to be released to any of the emergency contacts i have designated on the previous page if i am unable to pick them up in an emergency employee emergency contact form free fillable forms the employee emergency contact form was developed so that an employer will have a standardized form to distribute among employees regarding the individuals that should be contacted in the event a traumatic event occurs child care emergency contact information and consent form special conditions disabilities allergies or medical emergency information parent guardian consent and agreement for emergencies as parent guardian i consent to have my child receive first aid by facility staff and if necessary be transported to receive
34 Emergency Contact Forms from emergency contact forms for children , image source: