ga bill of sale georgia department of revenue bill of sale this bill of sale provides evidence that a transaction between the er and seller has taken place and that the odometer reading has been declared by the vehicle’s seller and acknowledged by the vehicle’s purchaser free georgia bill of sale forms pdf the georgia bill of sale forms are legal documents used by entity and individual or two individuals for the purpose of proof of sale and purchase they are also used to provide and prove change of ownership some of these documents require notarization if this is the case be certain that all parties involved are present before a notary prior to the provision of any signatures t 7 bill of sale search this site required taxes georgia tax center help line tax services how to videos instructions georgia bill of sale form & requirements bill of sale in ga when you purchase a new or used vehicle be sure to a bill of sale it s a handy document serving as a receipt of the sale for your records of tax purposes and protects the seller in the event that the er does not register the vehicle or later abandons it free georgia bill of sale templates pdf & docx a georgia bill of sale for guns should include the same previously discussed information about the er and the seller it should include the make model caliber and serial number of the gun the bill of sale should indicate whether the arrangement involves a trade or purchase if the gun is a t that should be indicated in the bill of sale if the exchange involves a trade the item
Bill of Sale from ga automobile bill of sale , image source: