sample reference letter for an employee employees will often ask a former employer to write them a letter of reference if you agree to write the letter you want to make sure it is personalized for the candidate and for the position at hand reference letter for employment example and tips job seekers will often ask a former manager colleague or teacher to write them a letter of reference for employment some employers require references when considering candidates for a position while others may give preference to potential employees who can provide this evidence of satisfactory performance in a previous role 9 sample excellent re mendation letters for your job re mendation letters can point to a candidate’s future performance by talking about her past achievements reference letters can also shed light on what it’s like to manage work with or in the case of a character reference be friends with the person under consideration employee reference letter sample workable employee reference letter sample use this sample reference letter when a colleague former team member student or acquaintance asks for a personal re mendation be sure to modify this reference letter template with specific examples from your experience with that person 13 employee reference letters free samples examples 13 employee reference letters – samples examples in the course of your career you might have to use reference letter templates to write up reference letters for your personnel course this applies to former members of your staff if they left of their own accord and if you were consistently impressed with their performance while working with you
4 Academic and Employee Re mendation Letters from letters of reference for employees , image source: