sample template bill of sale service new brunswick note this bill of sale must be ac panied by the pleted application for vehicle transfer which is found on the reverse of the vehicle registration certificate bill of sale form a bill of sale is an important part of any vehicle sale however it is not the only thing you ll need to consider no sale is final until you plete a title transfer without this step finalized the seller may be liable for fines and violations associated with the car vehicle bill of sale new york state of opportunity vehicle bill of sale dmv ny clearly print or type all information except signatures i seller in consideration of $ do hereby sell transfer and convey to bill of sale form a copy of the bill of sale should be retained by both parties for their records so if there were ever any discrepancies regarding the sale this document would prove the item changed hands for instance if a er purchased a used car from its previous owner they may need to produce a bill of sale in order to register the vehicle standard bill of sale a standard bill of sale is used in a private sale to transfer ownership of a vehicle to the new owner a standard bill of sale is used when ing selling a vehicle in a private sale it contains information about the er seller and vehicle and must be used in order to transfer ownership of the
Free Printable Car Bill of Sale Form GENERIC from new car bill of sale , image source: