nonfiction book proposal outline here is a basic template for a book proposal which many of our clients have used successfully you are also wel e to listen to free audio recordings of ted’s “book proposal bootcamp” and other workshops and media appearances start here how to write a book proposal book proposals are used to sell nonfiction books to publishers a book proposal argues why your book idea is a salable marketable product how to write a book proposal a guide for nonfiction writers as with a book’s table of contents toc listing the chapters a nonfiction book proposal will have a toc page listing the individual sections and page numbers of the proposal look at most any toc inside a book to a sense of what this page will look like how to write a book proposal that agents will love a book proposal is a pitch to a publisher quite likely you reach that publisher via a literary agent so the first pair of eyes on your work will be those of an agent but either way your final tar is a publisher sample book proposal from a professional literary agency sample new book proposal below is a sample of a plete and exhaustive book proposal for a christian non fiction manuscript it is by david sanford a published author editor and literary agent for more than 300 books who now serves on the leadership team at corban university
4 Ways to Make Sure Your Book Proposal Stands Out Chad R from nonfiction book proposal template , image source: