3 day notice to pay rent or vacate – washington landlord a washington landlord who wishes to evict a tenant for non payment of rent must serve a notice to pay rent or vacate a k a 3 day notice to pay rent or quit or 3 day notice 10 day notice to ply or vacate – washington landlord a “10 day” notice to ply or vacate should be served when a landlord demands the tenant ply with the terms of the lease other than payment of rent when you receive a notice to vacate tenants victoria 28 day notice to vacate by mortgagee if there is a mortgage over the rental property that was entered prior to your lease and the mortgagee usually a bank be es entitled to possession of the property or to sell the property the mortgagee can give you a 28 day notice to vacate notice to vacate letter penlighten a notice to vacate letter is written by the landlord to the tenant while a notice of intent to vacate is written by the tenant to the landlord here are sample letters of both types of notices to vacate tenants union of tasmania fact sheet eviction notice a landlord or agent can end a lease for 6 reasons as outlined below housing tasmania has a further set of conditions in order to end a lease the landlord or agent must issue a valid written notice to vacate eviction notice and allow the tenant specific periods of time to either remedy the issue or to vacate
Eviction Notice Utah 3 Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit from notice to pay or vacate , image source: www.rocketlawyer.com