your balance sheet and profit and loss account explained you may have heard your accountant or bank manager talk about your “balance sheet” and “profit and loss account” what do these terms mean and what information can these documents provide you about your pany what is a profit and loss statement definition and meaning an official quarterly or annual financial document published by a public pany showing earnings expenses and net profit net in e is determined from this financial report by subtracting total expenses from total revenue the profit and loss statement and the balance sheet are the two major profit and loss statement guide to understanding a a profit and loss statement p&l is a financial report that provides a summary of a pany s revenues expenses and profits losses over a period of time profit and loss account definition explanation profit and loss account definition explanation specimen and example of profit and loss account a free article at accountingexplanation small business profit and loss account template pdf profit & loss account template examples here to the profit and loss pdf template for panies with under £85 000 turnover here to the profit and loss pdf template for panies with over £85 000 turnover
19 Sample Profit and Loss Templates from profit and loss sheet examples , image source: