receipt a receipt also known as a packing list packing slip packaging slip delivery docket shipping list delivery list bill of parcel manifest or customer receipt is a document acknowledging that a person has received money or property in payment following a sale or other transfer of goods or provision of a service car deposit receipt receipt template if you are looking for used car deposit receipt template to create your own deposit receipt you can it on this page when you sell a used car to a er who has paid a deposit to hold the car you need to issue a deposit receipt to the er what is sales receipt definition and meaning a document which typically shows the date and time a purchase was made items purchased amount of purchase price and totals the name and location of store entity where the purchases were made and supplemental information concerning store returns the method of payment used and other relevant sales information get a copy of a car rental receipt visit the enterprise car sales site to browse our inventory of more than 7 000 vehicles nationwide car rental sales we offer a wide selection of thrifty certified used rental cars for sale buy from us worry free because all vehicles undergo intensive inspections to ensure top quality before hitting the market check out our car sale selection here
Used Car Sale Receipt Auto Sale Sales Receipt For Used Car from receipt of sales for car , image source: