how to format a list of professional references when you provide a list of professional references to an employer you should include your name at the top of the page then list your references including their name job title pany and contact information with a space in between each reference how to include references on a resume wikihow format any additional references in a similar way if you have experience in multiple fields of work breaking your reference list into several subsections one for each field will make the page easier to read for your employer references on a resume references on a resume when in doubt don’t add a list of references to your resume although this is one of the most agreed upon rules among resume experts job seekers continue to ask whether it’s acceptable standard job reference page template good resume tips standard job reference page template it may be helpful for you to use a template when you create your job reference page — just to be sure you give the employer all the info he needs to contact your references and draw out the best re mendation for you how to write a job reference page good resume tips make sure you send each of your references a copy of your current resume explain what job you’re applying for and if you can include a copy of the job post ce you know who will be on your list you’re ready to put to her your job reference page
Resume Reference Page Occupational examples samples Free from references page format for resume , image source: