referral letter sample make changes in the following box and take a print or save as doc file sample referral emails for career networking this often means going beyond your immediate network and contacting people who share a mutual acquaintance with someone you know referral letters are a perfect way to ask these more distant connections for job leads advice and or contacts at employers sample of proof of employment letter dear sir madam this letter is to confirm that [name] has been full time employed by [employer] since [employment start date] as [position] should you have any questions please contact the undersigned referral letter samples sample referral letters the referral letter is a re mendation letter written in support of a person thing event organization method and the like employment fer letter rocket lawyer in an employment fer letter you can put a job offer in writing and provide information about where the job offer was made what the employee s duties will be at the business a start date who the employee will report to how he or she will be paid the annual salary possible mission reimbursements paid expenses insurance and or
10 Sample Referral Letters Sample Letters Word from referral letter sample for employment , image source: