bid form job & contractor bid forms bid forms are used to try to win a construction contract for a specific project it includes the contract price as well as days to plete the job by signing the job bid it also shows that the contractor carefully examined the parameters of the job and the condition of the site standard bid evaluation form world bank supply and installation of information systems single stage bidding trial version the world bank october 2004 preface this standard bid evaluation form has been prepared by the world bank for use by its borrowers and their implementing agencies in the evaluation of bids in accordance with the provisions of the bank’s guidelines constructionplace bid 1 an offer or proposal of a price 2 the amount offered or proposed bid bond a written form of security executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety for the purpose of guaranteeing that the bidder will sign the contract if awarded the contract for the stated bid amount bid docs up ing construction projects here for a list of future construction solicitations bidding requirements contract forms and conditions of the contract summary changes pdf 02 13 19 standard contract documents & guides ottawa construction standard contract documents & guides model bid forms stipulated price bid form unit price bid form appendix alternative prices appendix itemized prices
31 Construction Proposal Template & Construction Bid Forms from standard bid form for construction , image source: