16 printable table tent templates and cards template lab a table tent template is a kind of like a greeting card which can stand on its own on a table or a flat surface get free table tent templates from our site how to make a double sided table tent in word table tent template if you d rather create a table tent you should be able to find a simple template in word with two table tents per page in the microsoft template text is displayed sideways even while editing but it is right side up after the table tent is printed cut out and assembled how to make meeting table name cards in microsoft word ake advantage of your microsoft word software to let meeting guests know exactly where to go with table name cards also called seating cards or table tents table name cards work with a standard more microsoft word templates more free bake sale flyers converted to microsoft word format for easy editing and adding of your own custom text and event details these flyers can also be ed as pdf or large jpg image files on their original posts which are also linked below regular slot tent str10 blanks usa table tent paper patible with copiers laser inkjet and fset presses create an upstanding impression with table tents crisp folds along the scores and an interlocking base make this a sturdy product
Word Table Tent Template & Table Tent Card Template Sc 1 from table tent template microsoft word , image source: memphite.com