how to write a speech outline with wikihow how to write a speech outline a speech outline can increase your confidence and help you keep your place so you sound authoritative and in control as you write your speech outline focus on how you ll introduce yourself and your topic the points you ll cover and the interests of your au nce speech preparation speech outline examples six minutes the previous article in the speech preparation series described how to select your speech topic and your core message this article describes how to support your core message with a speech outline and provides numerous examples this is the second step in the six step speech preparation process sample speech outline an organizational template why bother with an outline because pleting one is a critical step in preparing a successful speech it is often overlooked in a misguided effort to on with the real work of writing the speech itself making a speech outline an easier way to prepare speeches in giving a speech from an outline it allows the speaker to speak from the heart it prevents the speaker being tied to or even worse reading the speech you may be assigned a subject topic or a theme you may be asked to cover specific information material or organizational needs 6 speech outline examples samples a basic speech outline contains three major parts the introduction the body and the conclusion the introduction – this is the part where you state all the topic you want to present including the major points of your introduction speech the body – this contains all the main points and all the main ideas
Speech Outline Examples and Tips [Persuasive Informative] from what is a speech outline , image source: