what is the appropriate wording for a certificate of related videos optional wording fields for a certificate of achievement include a presentation line between the title and recipient s name it should read something like "is awarded to " another field can signify who the certificate is from and a description line can explain the basis of the award recognize achievement with the right certificate wording even though the title of the award may say certificate of appreciation the following line may start out with this certificate is presented to or similar wording the recipient section it is mon to emphasize the name of the recipient in some way certificate achievement wording certificate achievement wording achievement prizes are accessible to nris pios & ocis – american indian origins with resided in the united states asia pacific british & the european union & middle east by icici bank and certificate achievement wording timeium certificate achievement wording keeping a desk certificate of achievement wording on your office desk is allocation of the corporate culture certificate of appreciation wording allwording the exact wording on a certificate of appreciation can vary in the particulars but a majority of certificates follow the same basic formula the group or organization giving the certificate steward chemical title certificate of appreciation certificate of recognition certificate of achievement
Army Certificate Achievement Template Microsoft Word from wording for certificate of achievement , image source: buildingcontractor.co