bill of sale georgia department of revenue bill of sale this bill of sale provides evidence that a transaction between the er and seller has taken place and that the odometer reading has been declared by the vehicle’s seller and acknowledged by the vehicle’s purchaser free georgia bill of sale form legaltemplates georgia requires all vehicle and vessel sales transactions to be recorded with a bill of sale bills of sale are to be submitted to the georgia department of revenue dor in order to register vehicles and the georgia wildlife resources division wrd for registering vessels bill of sale georgia car bill of sale form template get car or dmv bill of sale in georgia online for free create bos document and for any vehicle auto atv bill of sale as per georgia state laws free georgia bill of sale forms pdf the georgia bill of sale forms are legal documents used by entity and individual or two individuals for the purpose of proof of sale and purchase they are also used to provide and prove change of ownership some of these documents require notarization if this is the case be certain that all parties involved are present before a notary prior to the provision of any signatures t 7 bill of sale search this site required taxes georgia tax center help line tax services how to videos instructions
12 13 vehicle bill of sale georgia from georgia automobile bill of sale , image source: