sample reference list for employment a reference page is a list of your references you don’t want to include the list on your resume create a separate list you can upload with your job application if it’s requested or have one ready to print out so you can give it to the hiring manager at your interview sample job reference list job interviews professional resume reference list how to email references after an interview if the interviewer has asked you to forward a list of job references it is important to do this as quickly as possible after your job interview creating a reference list for a potential job references are generally requested and checked after a successful interview and just before offering you a position ten a potential employer will request a list of 3 5 people you have worked with as references how to provide references with a job application in the past employers typically waited to ask job applicants for references until they were serious contenders for a job occasionally however panies will request that applicants provide a list of references when they initially apply for a job format a list of job references – sample template page free reference template below shows you a professional job references format to format a list of job references is a relatively simple task
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